A small selection of recent projects
My work experience
My Core Principles
Focus On Whats In Your Control
From Developer to Team Lead this principle has underlied my best work. In tech you need to be able to zoom in and out of scope flexibly to maintain awareness on the full picture of a project. Changing scopes exposes outside factors and considerations, not all of which will be in your control. Understanding the aspects in your control and what you can control in the interactions with the external influencers, will make or break your approach toward a solution. We can't control everything, we often try to control what we can't, and we usually have more control or influence then we see.
Take Initiative
Agency is our most powerful tool in life. Experiences shape unique perspectives for every individual. The expanse of our perspectives and the impact we can make with it is entirely dependent on our level of agency. When we focus on what we control, we can apply ourselves directly to what is in front of us. My keys to agency are having confidence to openly communicate ideas, actively seek out new perspectives and information to challenge and expand your knowledge, and have humility to take responsibility for what is in your control, admit to failures, and learn from your mistakes. Agency fosters dynamic problem solving and opens the door for true innovation.
Don't Fear Change
The best ideas come from a creative culture that is not afraid of change. Exploring the unknowns both inside and outside of your typical domains invokes innovative thinking. Facing new challenges deepens bonds between individuals and between people and abstract concepts. When this is actualized in a development atmosphere, you bundle the power of technology with the questions people are passionate about understanding, and that combination can change the world